This lesson is in the pre-alpha phase, which means that it is in early development, but has not yet been taught.
Lesson Title
Introduction to R for BiologistsR for Biologists courseIntro to R and RStudioGetting started with dataGetting to know the dataFormatting the dataPlotting with ggplot2Colouring by categoriesCreating subplots for each geneCustomising the plotSaving plotsFurther Reading
Tabular data can be loaded into R with the tidyverse functions
read_csv() and read_tsv()
Tidyverse functions such as pivot_longer(),
mutate(), filter(), select(),
full_join() can be used to manipulate data
A ggplot has 3 components: data (dataset), mapping (columns to plot)
and geom (type of plot). Different types of plots include
geom_point(), geom_jitter(),
geom_line(), geom_boxplot(),
facet_wrap() can be used to make subplots of the
The aesthetics of a ggplot can be modified, such as colouring by
different columns in the dataset, adding labels or changing the